This course explores the history, significance, organization, documents, implications, norms, and public policies associated with the contemporary movement to recognize and enforce legal and moral standards of international human rights.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Day Three: We walk in Jesus’ footsteps…

After a good night’s rest (for some), we jumped in our tour bus and careened north along the coast toward Acco (Acre). There we toured the ruins of the Crusader Knight’s fortress, and palace, rich in sandstone.

From there we went on to the Church of the Mount of the Beatitudes ("Blessed be the peacemakers" inter alia) as well as Tabgha, where we took a moment of reflection in the church holding the rock upon which Jesus performed the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. (Two fish for 5000?!!). We proceeded to the town of Capernaum, a village where Jesus was known to have preached and studied. A few students dipped their toes into the Sea of Galilee inspiring a brave few to take a full swim in 65 degree water. Brrr. After a filling lunch of St. Peter’s fish, our tour took us to a site on the Jordan river "close" to where Jesus was baptized by John. A few Christian groups were performing baptism ceremonies and the participants were very emotional.. For even more excitement, our bus ascended the Golan Heights along a very, very narrow road, maneuvering hair pin turns along the border with Jordan and Syria. When we arrived at the top we were treated to a panoramic view of the Sea of Galilee and the lush valley below. We were also regaled in song by Dean Ruebner and Shaun. After group photos, we descended the heights and returned to our hotel for a festive Sabbath repast. A group is off for "evening" activities and the party continues…

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