This course explores the history, significance, organization, documents, implications, norms, and public policies associated with the contemporary movement to recognize and enforce legal and moral standards of international human rights.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Close to zero hour

I'm sitting on my bed, looking at my suitcase, wondering what 50 pounds of luggage looks like. Should I take some out?? I don't know, the zipper closes. And I didn't even have to sit on it to make it zip. I imagine airport security taking apart my perfectly packed suitcase like a reverse game of tetris. And I won't be able to get it all in again. Ok, enough neuroses.

I am very excited about our upcoming trip, like my fellow classmates. Sometimes I have to remind myself that we are going to one of the most historically important and influential pieces of land in human history. And its relevancy continues today. We are going to a place of monumental importance to three major world religions. The land we walk on has been travelled by people for thousands of years.

In my previous travels to Europe, I was always struck by how old human civilization is. Buildings were commonplace that were older than the United States. I anticipate that travel to an even older place will bring an even greater sense of awe at the breadth of history the land of Israel seen.

I am excited that we will be meeting with a broad spectrum of cultures during our trip, and will do my best to be an objective listener to the current social, political, and human rights issues that are expressed. I already know that this trip will be an extraordinary adventure. I look forward to experiencing it with my fellow students and our professors.

"...and I think it’s gonna be a long long time til touchdown brings me round again..."

See you in Israel!!!

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